The Ninth Step
Eularee Smith
Writer & Educator
Mutant Message Down Under
Marlo Morgan
Harper Collins
iSBN: 0-06-017192-8
At the end of a frustrating day, have you ever wanted to walk out the door and just keep walking? Marlo Morgan had the experience in her book Mutant Message Down Under.
Thinking she was being honored for her work, Morgan accepts an invitation to what she assumes will be a banquet, a few speeches, an award and a humble acceptance. Instead she finds herself on a walkabout with The Real People, native Aboriginals. Stripped down to little more than minimal body cover and no shoes, she begins a journey of a lifetime in this work of fiction.
The culture shock begins with taking little to nothing with her on the walkabout and finding everything she needed in the Outback. A vision of connections between human and environment unfolds through the wisdom of her Aboriginal companions on this trip through the seemingly endless hostile territory. Miraculously, they find water in the drought conditions, plants and meat in the desolate conditions and a beauty in a desert that seems void of life. This is the message she is directed to carry back with her.
Mutant refers to those who are not of the Aboriginal culture, including Morgan. Her welcoming invitation to listen and learn the vision of the Real People is at once overwhelming and all consuming. The changes in her physical body as well as her way of thinking are peeled away to reveal the core of humanity and the intrical part it plays in the scheme of the planet.
Unable to tell her family or friends the reason for her sudden disappearance, she finds herself a willing, if not eager participant in this rite of passage. Her Mutant body defies the ability to survive with swollen, calloused feet, her burned skin peels only to burn and peel again and a lean diet of whatever food crosses their path. Her companions have names that descirbe their talents, Story Teller, Medicine Man, Memory Keeper, Peace Maker and Kin to Birds. They share their wisdom with Morgan signalling their trust and honor for this Mutant woman and their mission to spread the message of true beingness.
There are Mutants on the edge of regaining their individual spirit of true beingness. With enough focus, there is time to reverse the destruction on the planet, but we can no longer help you. Our time is up. Already the rain pattern has been changed, the heat is increased, and we have seen years of plant and animal reproduction lessened. We can no longer procide huamn forms for spirits to inhabit because there will soon be no water or food left here in the desert. Elder
Marlo realizes she has been chosen as the messenger. Her journey, conclusions and eventual return to the Mutant world are a tribute to the human spirit. Well written, a good mix of truth woven in words of fiction, Morgan does a superb job of spreading the message to the rest of us Mutants. You won't want to walk away from this book.
Available in hardcover, paperback, ebook and audio formats
Where Did I Leave My Glasses?
By Martha Weinman Lear
Wellness Central
New York Boston
Hardcover: 22.95
Available in paperback and electronic media
My Mom recently offered me a box filled with my Dad’s old reading glasses. She could never understand why he needed so many pairs. Increasingly forgetful, I have left my glasses in every conceivable place including on my face. So, of course, the title of Lear’s book was the reason I turned the first page. But from there I found myself in a world of mirrors, every page resembled my daily life.
Where Did I Leave My Glasses? Has a subtitle, The What, When, and Why of Normal Memory Loss. The chapter headings chronicle the hints of aging that creep into our bodies and heads until suddenly it seems we are aware something is different. Linear’s humorous approach to the informative facts about the process of age and memory, help the reader to understand normal memory loss.
Say Hello To Whatsisname, constructs the name problem. You know, the problem with the tip of your tongue. We go through the alphabet and rhymes, grabbing on to any life saver as you drown in that awkward moment. Or the equally vexing problem of the name suddenly popping into your head at the most inopportune moment. Normal.
In Where Did I Leave My Glasses?, Leah offers evidence of what is normal and what is not but also details “that holy quartet of imperatives that the memory experts keep touting: a healthy diet, a good night’s rest, avoidance of stress, and regular exercise both physical and mental.”
Martha Lear is an award winning journalist and author of New York Times best selling memoir Heartsounds. Her interviews with neuroscientists, psychologists and evolutionary biologists form a backdrop for insights into the often frustrating problems with memory as we grow older. Sharing her own experiences, she reassures the reader we are all in this together. The anecdotes are poignantly real and hilarious. Lear gives the reader the opportunity to laugh and learn about this normal aging process, empowering the reader to embrace rather than fear memory loss. She talks about the 57 Heinz varieties of memory and why there are some things you will never forget.
You will enjoy every unforgettable word in this book. Just don’t forget where you left it.
Available at booksellers including Amazon and Barnes & Noble in both print and electronic media.
To hear more about this book and to read an excerpt go to NPR.